Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Cameron discovered his toes a couple of days ago, how exciting!

Unfortunately, he's been sick this week with a nasty wet cough, so Jess is low on fuel after a few sleepless nights, and he's cranky the rest of the time. I did catch one happy moment though:

Hopefully he'll get better before the weekend so mom can get some sleep and it'll be easier to watch some TV shows. :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Long Time No Posts

Cameron's four months old now, hard to believe! He's got a doctor's appointment next week, we'll find out if he's still in the 100th percentile for weight for his age. He's started eating cereal here and there, and most nights he sleeps from about 11pm to 6am. He won't have anything to do with a pacifier, just like our other two boys, but I caught him sucking his thumb the other night:

You can see the fat rolls there on his wrists (and my hairy legs in the background). I need to play "He's Not Heavy, He's My Brother" for Hunter and Riley, I think they'd get a kick out of that.

That's all for now! Just thought I'd share the cute picture and a small update while Cameron's sleeping next to me on the couch and Jessica is playing UNO on XBox Live (yup, she's addicted!).

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Week #3

This week has been both crazy and somewhat boring. Cameron decided there for awhile he wanted to nurse EVERY hour day and night. So we were stuck at home for most of the week. Today we went to the play Mcdonalds though since he started back on his two hour schedule yesterday! I even got caught up on laundry!

Nursing every hour?? The proof is in the pictures! My baby has lost his neck and gained a second chin :D

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week 2

So just as expected Riley felt much better on Saturday, but we didn't do much so he could recover.

Sunday was fathers day and we went to Jasons aunts house for a cookout. I got a couple of pictures the first is Grandma Boehle with Cameron and the second is Great aunt Arlene:

Monday wasn't a real fun day. Jason tried to take the boys to the pool and they only got to swim for a half hour due to bad weather. Cameron was also having issues. I think he was just gassy or something but man was he cranky! Even I was crying by mid-day.

Tuesday we found out that somehow the PKU test they did in the hospital was lost or damaged somehow, and now we have to go get it done again. Grrr. We also went and visited great grandpa Boehle:

Oh yeah we also made a our first trip of the summer to Tads! Oh Tads tropical sno cones are heaven.

Wednesday was fairly boring. Ri is back to not feeling so great and I had to take Cameron to get the PKU test done. Thankfully Hunters friend Cody invited him over to play for the day so that was one less kiddo to entertain.

Thursday. Boo I've been dreading today! It's Jasons first day back to work. It actually hasn't been so awful even with Riley being sick. We even made it to Hyvee and back in one piece. Here's a picture of Riley and Cameron at around 4pm

Yep both of them sound asleep. Just in time for me to start on dinner :D. Here's Cameron at 2 weeks old.

That's all for this week! Stay tuned for more exciting Boehle blogging!

-Jason, Jess & The BOYS

Friday, June 15, 2007

It's been a week already?!

So wow that week went by fast! Here's a picture I took of him at a whole week old!

But that was yesterday :P. So far today has been sorta hellish. Cameron was waking every hour last night and Riley is now sick :(. He's thrown up a couple of times. Lucky for us Riley seems to have very short lived illnesses and fingers crossed he'll be back to his self by tomorrow.

Oh yeah one more fun fact for day 8! Cameron now has a belly button instead of the unsightly umbilical cord stump. I of course took a picture of his cute little button as well :D

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Cameron June 12th

Another busy day in Boehle Land! Today we traveled down to Kansas City to see my grandparents.

Here's a couple of photos:

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Cameron June 11th

Monday June 11th

Today we had a check up with the Dr. Cameron is doing great and has kept all of his birthweight! He's such a good eater!

The boys seem to really love their little brother!

Also my friend Beth brought us dinner! We got to see how fast babies grow!

Baby Jack was born Feb. 23rd (on Hunters 9th birthday). It's amazing how much they grow in just a few months! Jack weighs 16lbs!

cameron June 9th & 10th

We got home on saturday the 9th and everything's going great! The dogs aren't real sure what to think yet. He sleeps really well and loves to eat and poop!

Sunday the 10th:

We went and visited with Jason's boss and his wife. We also went and visited Grandma and Grandpa Boehle and Aunt Ashley.

Cameron's here June 7th

Cameron Edward Boehle made his way into this world on June 7th 2007. It was a interesting experience for me as I didn't get the epi this time around. I wasn't really excited about that choice while I was having him, however my recovery was really fast and for that I'm thankful.

He weighed in at 7lb 15.4 oz and 18.5 inches long.

My husband and cousin were awesome and I'm really grateful to them for being there to help me through!